People desperately want to know how they can help you, it's just not the first thing they want to do when communicating!
People want to do 3 things:
- Tell their story to a listener what's going on in their life
- Hear some formation of these words, "tell me how I can help you reach that goal?"
- Then and only then are people ready to desperately help you, the conversation starts with a couple of strange questions from them: "how are you doing and what's going on in your life?"
Do you have the time that it take to communicate? If you know who you are, what you want to do and can effectively tell that story the gap between the right place, the right time and the right person is closing in on you having that success that you BE. Communication is an ART and a SCIENCE. It is an InWORD OutWORD conversation about
your communication. It is a "BE-DO-HAVE" not have-do-be process. To be effective and to have transformation in your life, I have one suggestion; BE a better listener. There is a goldmine in being the first to listen in conversation. Have A Wonderful Day. It's Always Your Choice! Get your T-Shirt share the quote and pass it on