Thursday, May 27, 2010

President Obama guest speaker


How exciting! I was invited to a presidential gathering. President Obama spoke at the Fairmont San Franciso Hotel, 2 weeks ago on behalf of Senator Barbara Boxer (D) for re-election and I was there. Later, a few of us were moved to an undisclosed dinner location. What a wonderful experience it was for me to personally meet The President of the United States of America and I am honored to have been invited. For those of you who wonder as I did prior to this event, is he as cool in person as he is a brilliant leader on the world stage? YES HE IS! President Obama was quite the gentleman of concentrated listening skill an awareness. People I really think as a transformative communication specialist, that the President has his finger on the pulse of what is going on in the world and how those going on's affect each of us as citizens AND he knows what needs to be done, the when and how to use his presidential power to get us to success. Ladies and Gentlemen we have a very smart and alert President. I would brag on my conversation with the President but I feel the important thing is to say that we are in good hands but we all still need to continue to pray for our leader. Visit my YOUTUBE:

Monday, April 26, 2010

3 Things People Want To Accomplish When Communicating

People desperately want to know how they can help you, it's just not the first thing they want to do when communicating!

People want to do 3 things:
  1. Tell their story to a listener what's going on in their life
  2. Hear some formation of these words, "tell me how I can help you reach that goal?"
  3. Then and only then are people ready to desperately help you, the conversation starts with a couple of strange questions from them: "how are you doing and what's going on in your life?"
Do you have the time that it take to communicate? If you know who you are, what you want to do and can effectively tell that story the gap between the right place, the right time and the right person is closing in on you having that success that you BE. Communication is an ART and a SCIENCE. It is an InWORD OutWORD conversation about your communication. It is a "BE-DO-HAVE" not have-do-be process. To be effective and to have transformation in your life, I have one suggestion; BE a better listener. There is a goldmine in being the first to listen in conversation. Have A Wonderful Day. It's Always Your Choice!  Get your T-Shirt share the quote and pass it on

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Are we as a society learning what we need to know faster than the global world is changing, are we truly on the cutting edge of knowledge to do good in the world or are we merely on the edge of a ledge

Are we, as a society learning what we need to know faster than the global world is changing, are we truly on the cutting edge of knowledge to do good in the world, are we merely on the edge of a ledge, or is the answer to these questions what the panic in our society of supposively leadership is all about?

There is something deeply wrong in a society that cares less about its people health and education year after year with no reason other than political ambition. This is the true disease to be rooted out. This disease may or may not have provisions in the healthcare bill but it will prove to be devastatingly contagious in Washington and more viral than the swine-flu UNLESS we the people demand our voices to be heard loud and clear. "Heal the sick, put more money into the research of preventive medical care and for the sake of the human race educate more healthcare, preventitve medical care professionals including the important and often neglected science of effective communication. Let's hope that some level of political ambition is cured with the passing of the healthcare bill. Take 2 pills and call me in the morning. Have A Wonderful Day. It's Always Your Choice

Monday, August 31, 2009

Lisa Campbell & Allison Jacobs cracked the 18 year kidnapping case

Congratulations to the women using their communciation expertise, both verbal and nonverbal, to rescue the missing victum. What a great job!
NJ Mitchell & Pamela Perkins, Human Communication Institute, LLC

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Healthcare Insurance Reform:

In 7 sentences or less, share what it would mean to you and your family to have full access to Healthcare Insurance Reform in the next 3 months?  Join the InWORD OutWORD conversation at